Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Meghan's Story -A Pearl of Great Price

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant, seeking goodly pearls; who when he had found one pearl of great price, he sold all he had and bought it."
Matthew 13: 45- 46

The name Meghan means Pearl. I didn't realize how fitting this name would be for her until several months after she was born.

I became pregnant with Meghan when I was 39 years old. The pregnancy was uneventful and unproblematic. On the day that I went into labor it was discovered that Meghan was in a breech position and had to be delivered by emergency C-Section. She was a beautiful and perfect baby.

When we brought Meghan home, she adapted well to her new surroundings. Her big brother and sister were so happy to have a new sister and she was just as pleased with them. She was a very happy and contented baby, always pleasant and easygoing with a big smile for everyone. We soon started to call her "Smiles".

Over the next few months I began to notice that she didn't seem to be as energetic and as mobile as my older two children had been at the same age. I attributed her lack of initiative to the fact that she was constantly being entertained by an older sibling or mom and dad. I felt a bit worried, but kept my concerns to myself. After all, she was the "third baby".

To this day, I will never forget the phone call that I received from my mother (who bore 11 children of her own) the day after Mother's Day. My mom said to me, "Jeannine, there is something I need to talk to you about." By the tone of her voice I thought perhaps my father had fallen ill and she was calling to let me know. She then said the words that set our lives on a path of shattered dreams and unexpected realities,

"We are concerned about Meghan. She doesn't seem to be developing properly." My first reaction was to be angry. Initially, I felt offended that my mother and other members of my family were thinking that something was wrong with my child. (Can you say DENIAL?) I then caught myself and took a deep the split seconds that it took me to respond to my mother's statement, all of the doubts and misgivings that I had felt prior to this phone call came rushing to my mind. My worst fears were confirmed for me that day.
The anger left me as quickly as it came and I asked my mother to tell me what her thoughts were about Meghan.

It took a lot for Mom to pick up the telephone that day to say that she and my sisters noticed that Meghan wasn't rolling over or sitting up or trying to reach for her toys....etc.
I thanked my mom for having the courage to talk to me about her worries for my daughter. I assured her that I would call my pediatrician the next morning.

To Be Continued.....

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